
Japanese Word Conjugator CLI (KatsuYOU)

Japanese Word Conjugator CLI (KatsuYOU)

Step into a world where calculations have a fun twist. This calculator adds a touch of originality to the world of numbers, bringing a unique way to make some operations.

Explore the elegance of Kanji numerals as they gracefully adorn the calculator interface. From 一 (1) to 十 (10), experience the original touch of Kanji in every digit.

Witness the transformation of familiar arithmetic symbols into kanji. Addition (足), subtraction (引), multiplication (掛), and division (割) now have a different expression.


Step into the remarkable world of Japanese language study with a conjugation tool that brings a delightful spin to conjugation mastery. This Command Line Interface (CLI) conjugator adds a spark of innovation to the traditional learning methods, providing you with a unique approach to mastering the complex Japanese conjugations.

Experience the seamless transition of verbs, adjectives, and nouns into their various grammatical forms. Politeness (ます形), conditional (条件形), potential (可能形), and passive (受身形) forms are now at your fingertips with precise and clear Japanese expressions.

Embark on a journey through the simple yet charming world of Japanese conjugation with this innovative CLI.

The powerful functionality you’ve been looking for, now reimagined in a command-line format that’s sure to engage and challenge you.

Crafted with Ruby, this tool is designed not only to be functional but also to be a distinctive aid to your Japanese language study.

The CLI is backed by tests which have been proofread by native speakers!

Give it a Try! Enjoy it! (Click on the “run” green button).

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